Reaching out to customers through text messages is a great way to connect on a more personal level. Open rates for SMS marketing are substantially higher than the alternatives, and most people appreciate the more personalized approach. But, like all marketing channels, your text message strategy matters.
Here are a few tips to ensure your text messages are engaging and impactful.
Allow for Preference Customization
Using a text messaging service gives you unparalleled access to consumers. This marketing strategy differs from others because it requires users to opt into receiving communications from your brand. One way to reassure people you won't abuse this connection is to offer preference customization.
Allow them to dictate how often they receive messages to create the ideal experience. Boost your communication game with our powerful text messaging service - visit this website now to learn more and sign up!
Limit Frequency
Another way to make every message count is to limit how often you send them. There's nothing worse than getting tons of texts from a company throughout the day. Limit your marketing messages to once a week. If you use text messaging for things like order confirmation and shipment tracking, you can communicate more often.
But too many marketing texts will only encourage users to opt out. Respect their time and use this channel sparingly. That way, the messages you do send are more engaging than ever.
Make It Personal
Personalization makes all the difference. Connect your text messaging service to your CRM, and you can automate your strategy while still providing those personal touches.
You can also time messaging to deliver content at just the right moment. For example, you can offer to answer questions after a customer abandons their cart or fails to complete a transaction. Treating texts as a more personal affair establishes trust and builds your brand reputation.
Keep It Relevant
Finally, always make your messages relevant to what your consumers want. It doesn't always have to be about promoting a product or service. Consider sending content that provides tips, exclusive offers and other things of value. Give them a reason to provide their contact information and receive texts, and you can keep consumers engaged.
Read a similar article about gaming messaging platform here at this page.